Quantum Laser Machines
Quantum_Laser_Machines was founded on three main principles:
Outstanding Service in Customer Driven Expectations;
Cutting Edge Technology-Driven Solutions &
Second to NONE on Price v Quality.
committed to providing our clients with the safest, most affordable effective Laser Machines for beauty treatments. Each of us is an expert in our specialized field, and together we strive to find the best personalized Tailor made Bespoke Machine for your Clinic, to take care of the looks and wellbeing of your clients. Do you Want to hear more about our machines? Give us a call or text today.
About Quantum_Laser_Machines
At Quantum_Laser_Machines, we believe that our customers,patients and their individual needs come first. But in an industry flooded with new products and procedures, we must make sure that health and safety are never compromised. We therefore take a precautionary approach, always opting for safe and tested solutions. Our specialist team uses a manufacturing process that will do their utmost to get to know their customers, and work with them towards finding the right treatment for every concern they might have. If you want to hear more about our Tattoo Removal machines, contact us today..
Time Warp Facial
Customized For Your Needs
Using only state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee this treatment will exceed your expectations. This service is highly customizable so that each client can achieve their desired results without compromise. If you’re interested in this service contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced team members.
"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection"
We always love to hear from our customers. Feel free to get in touch today to learn more about Quantum_Laser_Machines and what we have to offer.
5 Sherwell Hill
Torquay, TQ2 6LU
United Kingdom